Neal Grosskopf
Lighthouse & Sea Smoke – Algoma, WI
Before & After

Every day as I drive to work, I see a photo similar to this one on a billboard. I’ve always wanted to take a stab at shooting this myself, but I typically don’t take a lot of photos in winter as I use that time to process my photos from the rest of the year. Where I live, it’s typically cloudy all winter as well. To get this type of photo, I needed three conditions to happen:
- It needed to be a clear day so the sun could illuminate the sea smoke.
- It needed to be a real cold day, early in the season so that Lake Michigan wasn’t frozen over and the water was still warmer than the air creating the sea smoke. For this day it was -10 degrees out!
- Finally, the ice in the harbor needed to not be frozen so far out that the sea smoke was no longer near the lighthouse.
I shot this photo in Algoma, WI at the lighthouse there. This particular lighthouse is one of the closer ones to where I live which is about an hour and 15 minutes away. One nice thing about sunrises in the winter is you don’t have to wake up so early for them. The sunrise on this particular day was 7:25am. Also I found that it was best to wait another 20 minutes after sunrise where the sun was starting to get above the sea smoke clouds.
The Algoma harbor offers many different angles to shoot from. For this one, I used the traditional one from the center parking lot. In a couple other shots I took, I included more foreground which is lacking in this photo.
I found that shooting in the winter can be tricky vs. the other times of the year. For instance, I put a tripod plate in my mouth and the metal froze to my lips! Also, when I’d use my viewfinder, I would breath on the back of my LCD screen it with would turn to frost. Finally, the viewfinder/LCD auto-toggle feature on my Sony A7 camera stopped working so I had to use a custom button to flip between the two.
I took a lot of shots on this morning, but since it was so cold out, I feel like I didn’t put as much thought into composing them as other times of the year. I was trying to keep the lighthouse offset via the rule of 3rds in most shots. In many of my other shots, I also left the sun outside of the frame as it was too bright, but for this particular shot it was just starting to rise above the clouds so I included it.
The Algoma harbor offers great leading lines with its catwalk out to the lighthouse so I always like to include that in the photo leading to the lighthouse.
EXIF Information
Post Processing
This photo, as well as a few others I took this day included a lot of post processing. So much, that it involved using four different pieces of software to make it. I started out taking my three bracketed shots taken at -2ev, 0ev & +2ev and opening them in Aurora HDR. I’ve pretty much converted over to Aurora HDR from Photomatix now since it came out for Windows. It does a much better job than Photomatix and also includes a few other non-HDR filters you can use to enhance a photo.
After getting a properly exposed image in Aurora HDR, I brought the file back into Lightroom. Next I made my basic changes with white balance, contrast, clarity, exposure and saturation. I also use a lot of adjustment brushes to change different areas of the photo such as the ice and sky.
After that, I sent the photo to Luminar which is another program I just bought. In Luminar I used a couple more filters that are only available in it. I used a really subtle Sun Ray filter in this on as well.
Finally after all of that, I sent it to Photoshop and added an Orton Effect on the ice.
Software Used
- Aurora HDR
- Lightroom
- Luminar
- Photomatix
- Raya Pro
Techniques Used
- High-Dynamic-Range