Neal Grosskopf
Canal Lighthouse – Sturgeon Bay, WI
Before & After
Here’s a shot I took this weekend up in Sturgeon Bay. I was originally thinking there would be giant icicles hanging from the metal on the right side of the image but found there were none when I got there. On the flip side, I got a pretty good sunrise (for winter) so it all evened out.
The lighthouse is located near the Coast Guard station in Sturgeon Bay. There’s a bunch of warning signs around telling you not to trespass on the Coast Guard property. They even go as far as to draw a line down the middle of the driveway leading to the water that says public & private on it. Regardless, if you’re worried, the lighthouse on the water is open to the public.
I got there plenty early for once, even though it was about a 1.5 hour drive to the location. The pier is pretty long and was pretty icy. I walked about 200 yards out to get closer to the lighthouse. You can’t actually go up to it as it’s on an cement island. Because of the ice, I almost got trapped out there as I jumped down to the lower cement area. The issue was the wall was full of ice so I couldn’t easily pull myself back up to the main level. Fortunately, I found a large nut holding the metal structure down that I could grab on to and pull myself back up. A shorter person wouldn’t have had such good luck.
When I arrived, I knew I wanted to be pretty close to the lighthouse so I walked about 20o years down the pier. Eventually I saw some rocks in the water that were full of ice and I thought those would make a good foreground subject. I started off with my 6 stop ND filter to do some 30 second long exposures. As the sun rose more, I switched to my 10 stop ND filter to maintain the 30 second exposures. As I was driving up it was almost clear out, but when I arrived I discovered there were a lot of clouds in the sky. I didn’t get to see the sun rise above the horizon right away, but because of past experiences, I knew if I waited longer, the sun would eventually light up the tops of the other clouds and that’s what you see here.
EXIF Information
Post Processing
Software Used
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
This is one of the few photos I built off of a single exposure. The histogram was fairly balanced when I started working on it. One thing I did spend a fair amount of time on was trying to correct the distortion in Photoshop of the lighthouse. I didn’t like how much it was leaning so I tried to fix this with the puppet warp tool. After making those corrections I did the rest of the edits in Lightroom. I probably spend 5 hours on the photo split between several days of working on it on and off. Overall, it turned out really great and I’m happy I took the chance to head there during winter when I would usually be too hesitant to shoot due to poor conditions.