Pewit’s Nest State Natural Area – Baraboo, WI – Real Artists Ship
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Real Artists Ship Photography Blog By Neal Grosskopf

Neal Grosskopf

Pewit’s Nest State Natural Area – Baraboo, WI

Before & After

Here’s another shot I took while at Pewit’s Nest State Natural Area this fall. This is a tighter crop of the three falls than the previous two shots.


For this shot, I stood out on the edge of the cliff like I did for my first shot I posted. This was the last of the shots I took on that cliff and I had gone back and taken it at the last moment after packing up as I was afraid I didn’t do the others correctly.


I wasn’t originally intending to do a vertical shot like I have here, but I decided to crop it that way when I post processed it. A lot of shots I see of Pewit’s Nest are vertical like this one. I think that shows off the canyon and falls the best. Like my other shots, I didn’t need to use a neutral density filter as it was pretty dark out already and my polarizer was already putting me into the 8 second exposure range.

EXIF Information

    Post Processing

    Much like my other two shots at Pewit’s Nest, this one is heavily post processed. The first thing I did was figure out what sort of cropping I wanted. I zoomed in a fair amount and did a vertical image. After that I copied those settings to my other 3 images and ran them through Photomatix. After that I did all of my editing in Lightroom.

    Like my other two Pewit’s Nest photos, I did a heavy vignette on this one to focus the viewer’s attention to the middle of the image. I tried to bring out the details of the wet rock cliffs and mossy rocks as well. I also tried to maintain the structure and details of the falls as those can often get washed out in post processing and they look too smoth.

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