Neal Grosskopf
Jerusalem Church, Navarino WI
Before & After

Here’s another shot/angle during my visit to Jerusalem Church near Navarino WI. I was limited to the angles I could use of the church as the Milky Way so this was the only other series of shots I could process from my trip there.
The church is located out in the country near Navarino WI. It’s also somewhat close to Shawano. Because of its remoteness there wasn’t a ton of light pollution there which is why I decided to try some photos in the area as it’s the closest place to me with lower levels of light pollution.
Like I mentioned earlier, there weren’t a lot of options for angles I could take of the church due to the the position of the Milky Way. My original image I think is the best angle. I’m not entirely sure what it was, but I ended up with a blue streak in the sky in all of my images. It almost looks like how a comet looks as I recall Hale-Bopp kinda looking like it does when I saw it as a kid. I decided to leave it in since my camera picked it up originally. I think it adds some additional interest to the sky.
EXIF Information
Post Processing
Unlike my first image here, I didn’t have as many issues with the nearby streetlight that was polluting my scene in the other photo. You can see in the before photo that there is a green tint to the photo, but it was easier to overcome this time.
Like all my Milky Way shots, I stacked exposures (5 total) in Photoshop and manually aligned them. This allows me to push the limits of processing while keeping the noise down. After that, I brought the image back into Lightroom and tried to reduce some of the green tinting in the image. One ting I did sort of cheat on was I removed the telephone pole on the right of the image. Due to my 14mm lens, it was quite distorted and leaning and I didn’t think it added much to the scene by staying.
One thing I really liked about this shot was how ‘contrasty’ the grass looked straight out of camera so I tried give that some attention. Overall, I think it’s a great 2nd place photo compared to my first one.
Software Used
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
Techniques Used
- Exposure Stacking