Neal Grosskopf
Duck Blind – Navarino State Wildlife Area
Before & After

Here’s another shot from my trip out to the Navarino State Wildlife Area this fall. I got a little better at processing Milky Way pictures since I posted my first shot so hopefully this one turned out better.
There’s several pull offs from the road with short trails you can walk down. As I was driving up in the daylight, I scouted a few of these out so I knew which one I could go to once it was dark out. Only some of them have a clear view facing south which is why I picked this one.
For this shot, I wanted to frame the Milky Way inside the duck blind. I originally tried doing some light painting using a flashlight, but I ended up dropping that series of pictures.
EXIF Information
Post Processing
I took a series of 6 shots using the same settings. I then manually aligned these in Photoshop and used a median blend on the smart object. I did this twice for the foreground and the sky. After that I made several slider changes in Lightroom.
Software Used
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
Techniques Used
- Exposure Stacking