Neal Grosskopf
Lime Kiln Towers at High Cliff State Park, WI
Before & After
Here’s another image in a series I took while at High Cliff State Park in early September. I decided to try to process this photo in a little more of a natural style than my previous one I processed here.
The Lime Kilns towers are located on a trail further down the cliffs. The parking lot is just a few feet away which make it convenient to lug all my gear out there.
There wasn’t a lot of options for composition here as the tower was very tall and the Milky Way was planted firmly on the right of it. Most of my shots were taken from a similar position.
EXIF Information
Post Processing
Like I mentioned earlier, I tried to process this shot a bit more natural than my previous shot I took here. I still think this is a bit on the surreal side but I wasn’t happy with it when I toned it down even more.
Software Used
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
Techniques Used
- Exposure Stacking