Neal Grosskopf
Navarino State Wildlife Area, WI
Before & After
Here’s a shot I took last week about 45 minutes north of Appleton at the Navarino State Wildlife Area. It’s pretty much the only area near me with almost no light pollution other than Door County which is 2 hours away.
There’s several pull offs from the road with short trails you can walk down. As I was driving up in the daylight, I scouted a few of these out so I knew which one I could go to once it was dark out. Only some of them have a clear view facing south which is why I picked this one.
I liked the way the water looked in the foreground so I tried to include more of that in the picture. The dark foliage against the water looked interesting to me. I also tried to frame some of that dead tree on the right in the frame.
EXIF Information
Post Processing
I took a series of 6 shots using the same settings. I then manually aligned these in Photoshop and used a median blend on the smart object. I did this twice for the foreground and the sky. After that I made several slider changes in Lightroom.
Software Used
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
Techniques Used
- Exposure Stacking